Official Transcript Request Form

Note: This form is only for AUC graduates/students to request official transcript. You can also follow up the status of your request online.

To get the service you have to pay Birr 550.00 for local and 800 for abroad using a nearby AUC branch office or our and attach clear photo of the receipt below.
አገልግሎቱን ለማግኘት የአገልግሎት ክፍያ ለአገር ውስጥ ብር 875.00 ለውጭ አገር 1500.00 ባቅራቢያዎ ባለ ቅርንጫፍ ጽ/ቤት ወይም በባንክ ሒሳብ ቁጥራችን ከፍለው ደረሰኙን በሞባይልዎ ግልጽ ፎቶ በማንሳት ከታች አያይዘው ይላኩ፡፡

AUC Stud. ID No:
Full Name in Eng:
Application Date:
Delivery Date:
Student Tel. /Mobile/:
Amount Paid (Birr):
Receipt No:
   Recipient Address (የተቀባይ አድራሻ):
Name of Recipient Organization:
Location (Full Address):
P.O. Box:
Zip together and attach photo /scan copy/ of Receipt, Temporary and Transcript:
      New Request         I am Requesting Again (Correction)